Commissioned by
Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission

Co-ordinated by
Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Test Items for Ages 7-11

Test ItemsFunction
Body Height It reflects the longitudinal growth of the skeleton.
Body Weight It is an index that reflects the overall transverse growth of the human body, including girth, width, thickness and weight, and a measurement that reflects the development of the skeleton, muscles, subcutaneous fat and viscera to a certain extent.
Skinfold Measurement - Triceps Measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat in different parts of the human body is a simple method that reflects the distribution of body fat in the human body and gives us a better understanding of the constituent composition of the human body (i.e. fat content, body fat percentage and lean body mass, etc.).
Skinfold Measurement - Calf
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis A Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer is used to obtain body fat percentage and muscle mass data.
15-metre PACER It is a multi-phase cardiorespiratory endurance test.
Sit-and-reach The test measures the maximal forward flexion of lower back and hip joints in a static position. It is used for assessing the elasticity and flexibility of the subject’s joints, muscles and ligaments.
Handgrip It reflects the muscular strength of forearms and hands.
1-minute Sit-up It reflects the muscular strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.
Standing Long Jump It reflects the explosive power of the lower limb muscles.

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