Green Measures


To achieve the goal of "Green Flower Show for All", the LCSD implemented various green measures at different stages of the flower show. This year, we eventually collected 999 tonnes of waste of which 848 tonnes were recovered for reuse or recycling, achieving 85% recovery rate.

Before the Show

  • An overall plan for waste reduction and recycling was formulated.
  • All stakeholders were encouraged to apply the 3R principles - "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle".
  • Waste reduction guidelines and recycling strategies were provided to the stakeholders.
  • All stakeholders were encouraged to join the “Green Event Charter” to minimize the disposal of waste and recycle reusable materials and plants.
  • Incorporation of green elements into exhibit design was considered.
  • Temporary Waste Collection Points, Wood Collection Point and Recyclables Collection Points were set up during venue decoration to collect materials for recycling.
  • Electronic communication channels were used as far as possible and Green Tips for Flower Show were provided on the Internet.
  • Volunteers were recruited and trained for recycling tasks.

During the Show

  • Three-colour waste separation recycling bins were provided and Recyclables Collection Points were set up to facilitate the collection of materials for recycling.
  • Strengthened the dissemination of information about environmental protection. Visitors were encouraged to bring their own bottles, food container, reusable cutlery and green shopping bags.
  • QR codes were displayed at the showground for visitors to access the information of the flower show.
  • Contractors of recycling services were hired to assist in recycling and sorting.
  • Provision of tableware rental services.
  • Noise monitoring station was set up in the showground to monitor the noise level.

After the Show

  • Green Recycling Day was held to enhance recycling efforts and reduce waste. Over 300 volunteers were recruited for separating and collecting reusable and recyclable materials at the showground for waste reduction.
  • Strengthened greening education to the volunteers.
  • Wilted Flowers Collection Point was set up in the showground to facilitate the collection of wilted plants so that they can be delivered to the Animal Waste Composting Plant in Ngau Tam Mei for recycling into useful organic compost.
  • Wood Collection Point and Recyclables Collection Points were set up to collect materials for recycling.
  • Reusable soil was recycled for future planting.
  • Over 10 000 potted plants that were suitable for replanting were distributed via the "Give the Flowers a New Home!" Jockey Club Flower Replanting Scheme to over 70 nos. of schools, environmental groups and non-governmental organisations to encourage greening in the community.
  • Around 3 000 pots of flowers that were suitable for replanting were distributed to the public.
  • Reusable flowers and distinctive floral displays were replanted or redisplayed in suitable venues of LCSD in the 18 districts.


Strategy and Practice on Waste Reduction for  

Organiser PDF
Exhibitors PDF
Commercial Stalls  PDF
Cleansing / Recyclables Collection Service Contractors PDF

