

Location Map Link to GeoInfo Map

Hong Kong City Hall is situated at 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong. Patrons can reach the City Hall by the following public transport services:

MTR Admiralty Station B Exit, Central Station K Exit and Hong Kong Station A Exit
Star Ferry
(2, 5X, 6, 6A, 6X, 13, 15, 15C, 18, 37B, 37X, 66, 70, 70P, 75, 90, 97, 260, 621, 680X, 681, N681, 720, 720P, 722, 780, 788, 962, 962P, 962X, 967, 969A, 969P, A11)

Kowloon Motor Bus
(621, 681, 680X, N681)
Minibus: MiniBus
(1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A, 8, 9, 22, 22S, 54)
Tram: Hong Kong Tramways
Nearby Landmarks:
Statue Square, Jardine House, The Hong Kong Club Building, International Finance Centre
Nearby Hotels:
Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong
Nearby Public Car Parks:
Star Ferry Wilson Car Park, City Hall Wilson Car Park

Route information is for reference only and subject to the latest announcement of the relevant transport services providers.
Please visit the websites of public transport operators or HKeMobility https://www.hkemobility.gov.hk/en/route-search/pt for more information.


Contact us
Enquiries : (852) 2921 2840
Fax : (852) 2877 0353
E-mail : hkch@lcsd.gov.hk