Opening Hours

Hong Kong City Hall: The City Hall opens from 9am to 11pm daily.
Memorial Garden: Memorial Garden opens from 7:30am to 10:30pm daily.
The Memorial Shrine: The Memorial Shrine is located in the Memorial Garden.
Opens from 9:30am to 12:30pm on the first Sunday of every month.
Enquiry Counter: The Enquiry counter is at the foyer of the City Hall Low Block.
Opens from 9am to 11pm daily providing general enquiry service to the public.
Tel: (852) 2921 2840
Facilities Hiring Office: Opening Hours (from Monday to Friday, except public holidays):
9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5:45pm
Tel: (852) 2921 2821 / (852) 2921 2838
Box Office: The Box office at the foyer of the City Hall Low Block offers computerized ticketing (URBTIX) service.
The opening hours are as follows:
Sunday – Thursday (from 10am to 6:30pm daily or 30 minutes after commencement of URBTIX performance at
the venue)
Friday – Saturday (from 10am to 8pm daily or 30 minutes after commencement of URBTIX performance at the
Self-service Ticketing Kiosks will be operated during the opening hours of the venue.
  Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service:
(852) 3166 1100 (10am - 8pm)
  Telephone Booking:
(852) 3166 1288 (10am - 8pm)
  Internet Booking:
Mobile App Booking URBTIX
(Android, HarmonyOS and iPhone/iPad versions)
Click here to download mobile ticketing app (Android version)
Click here to download mobile ticketing app (iPhone/iPad version)
Click here to download mobile ticketing app (HarmonyOS version)