Event Calendar of February

Event Calendar of March

Free Subscription to Event Calendar

Concert Hall 

Date Time Price Presenter Programme
1 Sat 8pm $780, 680, 580, 420, 280
■620, 540, 460, 320, 200
Hong Kong Doujin Production “Touhou Symphonic Phantasm Live in Hong Kong”
WhatsApp: 5542 7851
2 Sun 8pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Royal Music Academy “9th Royal Music Concert”
6240 6245
3 Mon 7:30pm $100
Combination Culture Chorus “Dazzling Melodies of Spring”
9252 3128
7 Fri 8pm $520, 380, 220
■260, 190, 110
The Greater Bay Philharmonic Orchestra Charity Foundation 2025 Rhythmic Spring Concert
9359 5797
8 Sat 8pm $350, 280, 200
●175, 140, 100
Hong Kong Plucked String Chinese Orchestra Embracing the Plucked Strings Legacy - Concert by Chan Man-chong & HKPSCO
9346 8824
10 Mon 12:40pm Free Admission (Collect tickets at the Concert Hall Reception and sit in the assigned seats) Hong Kong Sinfonietta Hong Kong Sinfonietta – Panasonic Proudly Sponsors Good Music This Lunch
2836 3336
14 Fri 8pm $380, 300, 250, 200
■190, 150, 125, 100
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Valentine's Day Concert: Liza & Friends VI – HKCO Fundraising Gala
3185 1600
15 Sat 5pm
16 Sun 7:30pm $680, 480, 280
■544, 384, 224
Sound of the Earth Music and Arts Foundation When Teacher Chiang meets Ponte Orchestra
6795 1047
17 Mon 7:30pm $260, 200, 120
■130, 100, 60
Hong Kong Yong Yan Chorus Yong Yan Singing Spring Concert
9101 7767
18 Tue 7:30pm $2500, 1280, 580, 380 The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus “HKICF2025 Charity Gala Concert”
WhatsApp: 5742 4721
19 Wed 8pm $450, 320, 200
■225, 160, 100
Hong Kong Sinfonietta The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival
Hong Kong Sinfonietta – HKS Recital Series: Pavel Kolesnikov Piano Recital
2836 3336
22 Sat 8pm $520, 380, 220
■260, 190, 110
Hong Kong Sinfonietta The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival
Hong Kong Sinfonietta – Great Piano Concertos: Pavel Kolesnikov Plays Beethoven
2836 3336
23 Sun 3pm $230, 180, 150
■115, 90, 75
Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia “Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia 16th Annual Concert”
2468 4587
24 Mon 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Wan Chai Federation of Building Owners; Hong Kong Soong Ching Ling Goldkey Training Foundation (Variety Show)
2576 4950



Date Time Price Presenter Programme
1 Sat 7:30pm $250 The Association of Hong Kong International Music Competition 5th Hong Kong International Young Musicians Competition – New Year Concert
6622 4350
2 Sun 3pm $160, 130
■80, 65
Hong Kong Performers Winds A Musical Extravaganza of Miyazaki’s Anime
3488 1550
3 Mon 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Hong Kong Society for Art and Charity “Spring Music Concert”
WhatsApp: 9711 0192
4 Tue 8pm $188, 128
■ 128, 88
Winds Platform HK “Bloom by the Winds”
4614 0017
5 Wed 8pm $240, 200
■192, 160
Hong Kong String Teacher Society Lawrence Wong Viola Recital
9805 3263
7 Fri 5pm $380, 280
■190, 140
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Hong Kong Sinfonietta – Good Music for Babies
2836 3336
8 Sat 2:30pm/
9 Sun 2:30pm/
11 Tue 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket The Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired Ebenezer Music Academy – Music be My Strength Concert
3159 5499
14 Fri 8pm Free Admission by Ticket Bel Canto Singers 18dART – Central and Western Community Arts SchemeVictoria Musical Theatre Project – Finale Performance”
2722 1650
15 Sat 3pm
16 Sun 3pm $80, 55
■40, 28
LCSD_iconMusic Office 2025 Making of Musicians Music Office Trainees’ Concert
3842 7784/ 2796 7537
17 Mon 7:30pm $250 Indian Arts Circle “Pyar Mein Twist”
9632 2556
22 Sat 3pm/
$280, 220, 160
■140, 110, 80
Dynamic Musical Theatre Peter Pan – Hello Hong Kong
9831 3277
23 Sun 2:15pm/
24 Mon 7:30pm $180
Hong Kong Bel Canto Ensemble “Euphony Duo Recital”
6017 6556
28 Fri 8pm $200
Hong Kong Arts Festival The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival
Hong Kong Arts Festival Young Friends Special: Young, One More Year
2824 2203


LCSD_iconPresented or organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens and/or People with Disabilities Tickets and the Minder and/or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients Tickets
 ● Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens and/or People with Disabilities and the Minder Tickets
▽ Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens Tickets
◇ People with Disabilities and the Minder Tickets
✦ Full-time Students Tickets
▣ Full-time Students and/ or People with Disabilities Tickets
▲ Some free tickets are distributed at the Enquiry Counter of the Hong Kong City Hall (9am - 9pm) on a first-come-first-served basis
# Accessible performance with audio description in Cantonese 
cat 3 For persons aged 18 or above only
Internet Booking and the Latest Ticket Sales: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: (852) 3166 1288 (10am - 8pm)
Ticketing Enquiries: (852) 3166 1100 (10am - 8pm)


Exhibition Hall 

Date Time Presenter Exhibition
3 - 10 10am - 8pm Security Bureau Roving Exhibition in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Action Committee Against Narcotics


Exhibition Gallery 

Date Time Presenter Exhibition
23  11am - 7pm Hong Kong Youth Academy For The Gifted Education “CHINA IN POETRY AND ART – 2025 Exhibition of Outstanding Artworks By Children and Youth From Beijing, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao”
24 10:30am - 7pm
25 10:30am - 5:30pm

This event calendar may not list all programmes at the Hong Kong City Hall since some bookings of venues and programme details are pending. Please visit this website later or call the Enquiry Counter at 2921 2840 for updates.