Booking Arrangements
(I) Major Facilities: Concert Hall/ Theatre/ Exhibition Hall/ Exhibition Gallery
(A) Ordinary Bookings
(B) Late Bookings
(C) Special Bookings
(D) Supporting Documents
(A) Ordinary Bookings
- Ordinary Booking applications are accepted not less than 3 months but not more than 12 months in advance of the month of hire and processed in one lot. (e.g. applications for March 2021 - December 2021 are accepted in December 2020). Applications for non-arts activities will only be accepted 3 months or less prior to the month of hire, with the exception for applications by government departments, District Councils or registered schools.
- Completed application forms shall reach the booking office of the Hong Kong City Hall or via on-line application of e-APS at before 5:30pm on the last working day (Monday to Friday except public holidays) of the month. A reply will be provided within 14 working days thereafter.
(B) Late Bookings
- Late Booking applications are accepted between 1 to 3 months prior to the month of hire and will only be considered on individual merit subject to operational feasibility. Applications will be processed in one lot on a weekly basis.
- Completed application forms will be accepted during office hours from Monday to Friday (before 5:30pm), except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
(C) Special Bookings
- Events requiring a longer lead-time for planning and preparation (e.g. cultural performances involving renowned visiting artists) are eligible to apply for Special Bookings. Such booking applications are processed between 13 to 24 months in advance of the month of hire.
- Completed application forms shall reach the booking office of the Hong Kong City Hall or via on-line application of e-APS at before 5:30pm on the last working day (Monday to Friday except public holidays) of the month. A reply will be provided within 14 working days thereafter.
(D) Supporting Documents
- For organisations, the booking applications shall include copies of :
(i) Certificate of business registration; or
(ii) Certificate of incorporation under the Companies Ordinance Cap. 622; or
(iii) Notification of establishment of a society under the Societies Ordinance Cap. 151; or
(iv) Certificate of registration of a society under the Societies Ordinance Cap. 151; or
(v) Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character; or
(vi) Certificate of registration of a school or certificate of incorporation under the Education Ordinance Cap. 279.
- For individuals, applicants shall present their identity cards/passports for checking when they return applications in person. If applications are returned by post/fax/third party, copies of the applicants' identity card/passport shall be enclosed.
Booking Arrangements