Event Calendar of March

Event Calendar of April North District Town Hall Event Calendar
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1 Sat 7pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Musical Hints Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert and Excerpts
☏ 9840 8431
2 Sun 7pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Sha Tin District Office  Chinese New Year Cantonese Opera Show
☏ 2158 5344
3 Mon 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Ming's Music Association Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 6155 7274
5 Wed  7pm  $200, 160, 120, 80, 60
$80, 60, 40, 30 (No concession for $200 tickets)
Yuet Man Lok Hin Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 6334 6926
6 Thu 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Happy Gathering Leisurely Happy Gathering Leisurely (41)
☏ 9481 8193
9 Sun 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Ma On Shan Promotion of Livelihood & Recreation Association Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 2633 0333
16 Sun 7pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Tung Lok Cantonese Singing Association Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 6462 5298
17 Mon  7:30pm $680, 480, 280
 $612, 432, 252
Cultural Stage Creation Centre Oldies Concert
☏ 8111 8111
21 Fri 7pm $1000, 500, 380, 280, 180, 100
$90, 50 (No concession for $1000, 500, 380, 280 tickets)
The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association 2025 World Down Syndrome Day Cantonese Opera Charity Show
☏ 3427 8748
23 Sun 7pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Art Forum Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 9822 7922
31 Mon 7pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Shatin Livelihood Concern Association Cantonese Opera Excerpts mixed with
Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 6201 4250


Cultural Activities Hall






1 Sat  11:30am*
Leisure and Cultural Services Department  'Cheers!' Series: "Grug and the Rainbow" by Windmill Theatre (Australia) 
(*with Simple Cantonese Interpretations)
☏ 2268 7323
2 Sun 11:30am
8 Sat 7:30pm $160
Drama Society of the Student Union of Wu Yee Sun College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong WYS DRAMA SOCIETY ANNUAL PRODUCTION 2025: “m4 goi1 lou5 sai3”
☏ 6237 9012
9 Sun 2:30pm
16 Sun 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Sha Tin Arts Association Pop Concert
☏ 2606 6554
22 Sat 3pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Jat Min Youth S.P.O.T. lou1 together
☏ 2647 0744
23 Sun 3:15pm


Exhibition Gallery






6 - 8 Thu - Sat 10am - 7pm Free admission.
Ticket is not required
Unlock Dancing Plaza 2024-25 18dART Community Arts Scheme in Sha Tin by Unlock Dancing Plaza: "Body in Time" - Exhibition
☏ 2778 3488
9 Sun 10am - 5pm








15 Sat 11:30am - 5pm Free admission.
Ticket is not required
Po Leung Kuk A Spring Day with Art and Talent
☏ 2706 2998
22 Sat 2pm - 5pm  Free admission.
Ticket is not required
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association Shatin Integrated Social Service Centre Exhibition
☏ 2698 3008 / 2691 9170
29 - 30 Sat - Sun 11:30am - 5pm  Free admission.
Ticket is not required
Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Promotional Campaign for the "Next-phase Tobacco Control Measures"
☏ 2185 6388



Presented or organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
▲ Free tickets to be distributed by the presenter (Some free tickets are distributed at the Enquiries Counter of the Sha Tin Town Hall on a first-come-first-served basis)
Available at URBTIX
Internet Booking and the Latest Ticket Sales: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: (852) 3166 1288 (10am – 8pm)
Ticketing Enquiries: (852) 3166 1100 (10am – 8pm)
 Senior citizens aged 60 or above   People with disabilities and the minder   Full-time students     CSSA recipients

This event calendar may not list all programmes at the Sha Tin Town Hall since some bookings of venues and programme details are pending. Please visit this website later or call the Enquiry Counter at 2694 2542 for updates.