Fitness Programmes for the Elderly

Fitness Programmes for the Elderly

A Warm-up Exercises 

(i) Mobility Exercises (5 to 10 minutes)

Practise each movement slowly.

1 Neck

Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 1
Lower your head and turn to the right slowly.  Return to the starting position.  Then turn your head to the left slowly.  Repeat 4 times.

[Note: Don't turn your head too many times.]

2 Shoulders
Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 2   Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 2b

Bring your shoulders backward. Lift and rotate them forward. Repeat 8 times.

Bring your shoulders forward. Lift and rotate them backward. Repeat 8 times.
3 Chest and Back
Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 3

Look forward and keep your back straight. Bend your elbows with your palms facing the front. Pull your elbows backward slowly. Keep your arms close to your body.
Push your palms forward slowly. Return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

4 Fingers and Forearms

Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 4
Bend your arms with elbows at waist level. Clench your fists, release and spread your fingers. Repeat 8 times.

5 Waist
Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 5
Stand erect with legs apart and slightly bent. Arms akimbo and turn your upper body slowly to the left, then slowly to the right. Repeat 4 times.
6 Legs

Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 6
Stand erect.  Arms akimbo with legs slightly bent.  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. March on the spot, lifting your feet 8 times.

Warm-up (Dynamic Exercise) 6b
Put one hand on the back of a chair or a table and stand erect.  Stand steadily on one leg and raise the other slightly.  Turn the sole of your foot inward 8 times and outward another 8 times.  Return to the starting position.  Repeat with the other leg.


A Warm-up Exercises 

(ii) Stretching Exercises  (10 to 15 minutes)

Hold 10 to 30 seconds and repeat 2 to 4 times for each movement. (Breathe as usual)

1 Neck

Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 1
Lower your head and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. Turn your head to the right and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. Turn your head to the left and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position.

2 Shoulders

Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 2a
Lift your shoulders then lower them and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Warm-up Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 2b 
Rest your left hand on your right shoulder. Hold your left elbow with your right hand and pull it toward your body for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your right arm.

3 Back

Warm-up Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 3
Sit down. Interlock your fingers and put them in front of your chest with palms facing out or in. Push your arms forward slowly. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

4 Waist


Warm-up Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 4
Sit down with your back slightly away from the back of the chair. Keep your back straight. Lift your forearms to waist level. Turn your upper body slowly to the right and backward as far as possible. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side. Repeat 2 to 4 times for each side.


Side of Waist

Warm-up Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 5
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your left hand on your waist. Raise your right arm as high as possible and bend your waist to the left. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat 2 to 4 times for each side.



Warm-up Warm-up (Stretching Exercise) 6
Sit on the front half of a chair with your back away from the chair back. Keep your back straight. Bend your right leg with the sole touching the floor. Straighten your left leg with the heel touching the floor and toes pointing upward. Slowly bend your waist and stretch your hand toward the direction of your left toes. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side. Repeat 2 to 4 times for each side.


B Fitness Exercises (20 to 30 minutes) 

i) Chair Aerobics for the Elderly

(To be done on a stable and sturdy chair. Folding chairs and office chairs with castors are not suitable.)


Fitness Exercise (Chair Aerobic Exercise) 1
Lift your right leg, put it down, and then lift your left leg, put it down. Lift your legs 8 times in total.


Fitness Exercise (Chair Aerobic Exercise) 2
Repeat the set 1 and push your arms forward and upward at the same time when lifting your leg. Perform 8 times in total.



Fitness Exercise (Chair Aerobic Exercise) 3
Lift your right leg and then your left leg.  At the same time, clap your hands alternately on your left and right.  Perform 8 times in total.



Fitness Exercise (Chair Aerobic Exercise) 4
Repeat the set 1 and lift your leg a bit higher each time.  Clap your hands under your leg.  Perform 8 times in total.



Fitness Exercise (Chair Aerobic Exercise) 5
Keep your back slightly away from the chair back.  Bend your arms with fingers pointing upward.  Raise your elbows up in front of your chest.  Extend your elbows sideways and then bring them back in front of you again.  Perform 8 times in total.

B Fitness Exercises

 (ii) Walk Aerobics for the Elderly

  1. March briskly to the rhythm of some lively music.  Move your arms to match different dance steps.
2. Lifting one leg and then the other is counted as one set of movements.

Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 1
March on the spot 4 times, and then march forward 4 times.  When marching forward, push both arms forward.



Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 2
March on the spot 4 times, and then march backward 4 times.  When marching backward, bend your arms and move them in circular motion in front of your chest.



Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 3
Tap your right heel in front of you and bring it back.  Then, tap your left heel in front of you and bring it back. When tapping your heel, bend arms and raise up your fists. Perform 4 times in total.



Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 4
Step to the right 4 times, and then step to the left 4 times. When stepping sideways, bend your arms in front of your chest and then open them sideways.



Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 5
March forward 4 times and then backward 4 times.  When marching, push your arms upward from shoulder level.



Fitness Exercise (Walk Aerobic) 6
Step to the right 4 times, and then step to the left 4 times.  When stepping sideways, raise your arms slowly from your sides up to the shoulder level.


B Fitness Exercises

 (iii) Towel Exercise for the Elderly


Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 1
Stand erect.  Hold one end of the towel with your right hand and make fast circular movements with your right arm.  Repeat with the other hand.  Keep your arms straight.  Perform 8 to 12 times with each arm.


Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 2
Stand erect.  Stretch the towel horizontally with your hands grabbing both ends in front of your chest.  Push your arms forward and then draw them back to the starting position.  Perform 8 to 12 times.


Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 3
Stand erect. Stretch the towel horizontally with your hands grabbing both ends in front of your chest.  Step forward with your right leg and bend at the knee.  Straighten the other leg.  Push your arms forward at the same time.  Return to standing position.  Repeat with the other leg.  Perform 8 to 12 times with each leg.


Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 4
Stand erect.  Do biceps curl with the towel in your hand.  Start with your right arm first, and then repeat with your left arm.  Perform 8 to 12 times with each arm.


Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 5
Stand erect.  Stretch your arms straight in front of your abdomen.  Hold the upper corners of the towel with your hands and lift your right foot to touch the lower part of the towel.  Return to starting position and repeat with your left foot.  Perform 8 to 12 times with each foot.



Fitness Exercise (Towel Exercise) 6
Stand face to face with your partner.  Throw a knotted towel to each other.  Perform 8 to 12 times.  You may begin with a short throwing distance.


B Fitness Exercises

 (iv) Static Balancing Training for the Elderly (5 to 10 minutes)


Fitness Exercise (Static Balancing Exercise) 1
Stand erect with your arms akimbo.  Stand firm on your right leg.  Stretch your left leg forward and lift it about 2 inches from the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds before returning slowly to the starting position.  Repeat the exercise with the other leg.  Perform 2 to 3 times with each leg.



Fitness Exercise (Static Balancing Exercise) 2
Stand erect with your arms akimbo.  Stand firm on your right leg.  Stretch your left leg backward and lift it about 2 inches from the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds before returning slowly to the starting position.  Repeat the exercise with the other leg.  Perform 2 to 3 times with each leg.



Fitness Exercise (Static Balancing Exercise) 3
Stand erect.  Raise your arms sideways up to shoulder level.  Stand firm on your right leg and lift your left leg to the left about 2 inches from the floor.  Hold for 5 to 10 seconds before returning slowly to the starting position.  Repeat the exercise with the same arm movements and start with your left leg standing.  Perform 2 to 3 times with each leg.


B Fitness Exercises

 (v) Muscle Strengthening Exercises for the Elderly (5 to 10 minutes)

10 repetitions are counted as one set and 2 to 3 sets are recommended for each practice.

1 Lifting a Water Bottle

Fitness Exercise (Muscle Strengthening Exercise) 1
Sit on a chair.  Hold a plastic bottle containing about 500 ml of water with your right hand.  Raise your right arm and keep it straight. Return slowly to the starting position.  Perform 10 times with each arm.


2 Lifting a Sandbag

Fitness Exercise (Muscle Strengthening Exercise) 2
Sit on a chair and tie an ankle sandbag (½ to 2 lbs in weight) to your leg.  Slowly raise your leg and stretch it forward as far as possible with your foot slightly bending upward. Return slowly to the starting position.  Perform 10 times with each leg.


C Cool-down Exercises

 (i) Breathing Exercises for the Elderly (2 to 3 minutes)

1 Chest Expansion Exercise

Fitness Exercise (Breathing Exercise) 1

Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart.  Bend your knees slightly with arms hanging down.  Raise your arms sideways slowly and inhale.  Straighten your knees when your hands are over your head.  Then, put down your arms slowly and exhale.  Return to the knees-bent position.  Perform 4 to 6 times.

2 Palms down and Breathe out

Fitness Exercise (Breathing Exercise) 1

Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart.  Bend your knees slightly with arms hanging down in front of you. Raise your arms slowly in front of your chest with palms facing downward and inhale. Straighten your knees when your arms reach the shoulder level. Then, put down your arms slowly and exhale.  Return to the knees-bent position.  Perform 4 to 6 times.

C Cool-down Exercises

 (ii) Stretching Exercises (5 to 10 minutes)

Repeat the Stretching Exercises covered in Part A (ii).

More information

For details about the “Healthy Exercise for All Campaign”, please call the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) 24-hour Customer Hotline at 2414 5555 (This hotline is handled by “1823”) or visit the website of LCSD at

For more information on health, please call the Health Education Infoline of the Department of Health at 2833 0111 or visit the Centre for Health Protection Website at


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