Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre – Eco-trail


Spot 8 – Bamboo eating insects


Bamboos are not only raw material for making various utensils, they are also an important ecological resource. More than 100 different species of insects are directly or indirectly relying on bamboos, the following are four common local examples:
1. Bamboo Weevil. A large weevil, adult would bore a hole in the young shoot, drink the fluid. Larvae of the Bamboo Weevil even live inside the young shoot for a long period.
2. Bamboo Aphid. Its population expands very rapidly on the young shoots. At the same time, large amount of aphids would be predated by the Ladybird Beetles.
3. Common Duffer. Larvae of the Common Duffer feed on bamboo leaves.
4. Bamboo Coreid Bug. Its population expands quickly on bamboo shoots. Their tube-like mouthpart pierces the bamboo shoot and draws fluid.


Bamboo Weevil Bamboo Aphid and Ladybird Beetle
Bamboo Weevil Bamboo Aphid and Ladybird Beetle
Pupa of the Common Duffer Adults and nymphs of the Bamboo Coreid Bug
Pupa of the Common Duffer Adults and nymphs of the Bamboo Coreid Bug

Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

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Bamboo Weevil
Bamboo Aphid and Ladybird Beetle
Pupa of the Common Duffer
Adults and nymphs of the Bamboo Coreid Bug