Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre – Eco-trail


Spot 9 – 3 species of Acacia


There are 3 common Acacia trees in Hong Kong. They are all exotic species. Since they are easy to cultivate and grow very fast, they have been extensively planted in country parks and in city gardens. In order to distinguish the 3 Acacia trees, the easiest way is to compare their leaf size. The one has largest and broadest leaves is the Big-leaved Acacia (Acacia mangium); the one has smallest and narrowest leaves is the Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa); with leaf size in between is the Ear-leaved Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis). Their flowers and fruit pods are also different from each other. Do you know how to distinguish them?


Leaves of Taiwan Acaci Flowers of Taiwan Acacia Fruit pods of Taiwan Acacia
Leaves of Taiwan Acacia Flowers of Taiwan Acacia Fruit pods of Taiwan Acacia
Leaves of Ear-leaved Acaci Flowers of Ear-leaved Acacia Fruit pods of Ear-leaved Acaci
Leaves of Ear-leaved Acacia Flowers of Ear-leaved Acacia Fruit pods of Ear-leaved Acacia
Leaves of Big-leaved Acacia Flowers of Big-leaved Acacia Fruit pods of Big-leaved Acacia
Leaves of Big-leaved Acacia Flowers of Big-leaved Acacia Fruit pods of Big-leaved Acacia

Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

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Leaves of Taiwan Acacia
Flowers of Taiwan Acacia
Fruit pods of Taiwan Acacia
Leaves of Ear-leaved Acacia
Flowers of Ear-leaved Acacia
Fruit pods of Ear-leaved Acacia
Leaves of Big-leaved Acacia
Flowers of Big-leaved Acacia
Fruit pods of Big-leaved Acacia