To enable park users and members of the public who bring their pets into parks to use park facilities together in an inclusive environment, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) launched the trial scheme of “Inclusive Park for Pets” by opening up 6 LCSD parks for use by pets in 2019. As the trial scheme was well-received, LCSD has regularised the arrangement by providing more “Inclusive Park for Pets” in various districts starting from 6 February 2021 so as to meet public demand for opening up more existing parks for shared-use of park facilities among pet owners and their pets.
Pet gardens are specifically designed for use by pets and are normally provided with fences and double pet gates to prevent pets from running away. Ancillary facilities normally include dog excreta collection bins/dog latrines, hand-washing facilities. Some venue are even provided with play equipment and drinking fountains for exclusive use by pets as well as amenity lawns, etc.
The “Inclusive Park for Pets” are not specifically designed for use by pets. The design concept is to open up the existing parks for members of the public to visit with their pets. LCSD will provide additional basic ancillary facilities, such as dog excreta collection bin and hand-washing facilities, etc., at the venues for use by members of the public and their pets in light of the actual circumstances and needs. The “Inclusive Park for Pets” are not specifically designed for use by pets. To keep in line with the concept of enabling the shared use of park facilities among different users, members of the public are required to keep their pets on a leash and under proper control in the venues so as to avoid causing nuisance to other users.
(I) Keep your dog on a leash.
(II) Make sure your pet is kept under proper control and effectively restrained from causing nuisance or danger to other people or pets.
(III) Clean up the faeces of pets.
(IV) Keep the environment clean and hygienic.
Locations of “Inclusive Park for Pets” by district
Venue list of “Inclusive Park for Pets”