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Notes on Enrolment (Urban and New Territories Region)

I. Registration as SmartPLAY Users


All participants of recreation and sports programmes, as well as the guardians or parents of participants aged below 18, must register as SmartPLAY users before enrolment and provide the required information such as date of birth and gender during registration, except for those programmes requiring walk-in enrolment.
(2) Members of the public can register as SmartPLAY users through My SmartPLAY app, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations set up at District Leisure Services Offices (DLSOs) or leisure venues. Applicants can register as SmartPLAY users immediately upon identity verification via “iAM Smart” app. Applicants who submit applications online or via the mobile app must first upload copy of their HKID Cards and then verify their identities through smart self-service stations before activating accounts. Alternatively, applicants can register as SmartPLAY users immediately through smart self-service stations with their HKID Cards.
(3) Those aged below 11, without a HKID Card, are required to upload their identity documents, namely Hong Kong Birth Certificate/Document of Identity for Visa Purposes/HKSAR Re-entry Permit/Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao (commonly known as One-way Permit), if their applications are made online or through the mobile app. Children holding a Hong Kong Birth Certificate may produce the original of the birth certificate for identity verification at the booking counters at leisure venues across districts. Children holding a Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, HKSAR Re-entry Permit or Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao may produce the originals of the documents at the SmartPLAY Services Centre for identity verification before completing the user registration procedures. Non-Hong Kong residents holding valid travel documents must register as SmartPLAY temporary users before using the SmartPLAY system. After submission of the completed online registration through the SmartPLAY system, applicants are required to produce a valid photo-bearing travel document for verification by LCSD staff in person at the SmartPLAY Services Centre. The SmartPLAY Services Centre, located at Floor 5M, Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building, 17 Bowring Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong, opens from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday, except for public holidays.
(4) For details of registration, please visit or download My SmartPLAY app.
download My SmartPLAY app


II. Concessionary rates

Persons aged below 15/aged 60 or above, full-time students and persons with disabilities (1) Persons aged below 15/aged 60 or above, full-time students or persons with disabilities, with valid proof, are eligible for concessionary rates when enrolling in training courses, recreation activities and competitions (only limited to swimming galas, athletic meets and individual games competitions). Moreover, accompanying carers of the participants with disabilities, limited to one who is aged 16 or above, are also eligible for concessionary rates, except for those in competitions.
(2) Upon opening a SmartPLAY account, full-time students or persons with disabilities can register their eligibility for concessions in the “Personal Information” of the They must, before the first sessions of the programmes, visit the SmartPLAY service counters at leisure venues or DLSOs, producing the originals of both identity documents and valid proof of eligibility for concessions, such as a valid student handbook/student card with photo, the “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and the Notification of Successful Application for Disability Allowance issued by the Social Welfare Department. The information will be verified and entered into their personal accounts in the SmartPLAY system. Upon completion of the procedures, they can enjoy the concessionary rates within the valid period of the documents. Those failing to complete the above procedures before the first sessions of the programmes are required to pay the difference between the full fee and the concessionary fee.
(3) Concessionary rates are not applicable to the Community Garden Programme.


III. Codes for Enrolment Methods and Procedures (applicable to the activities offered by DLSOs, Water Sports Centres, Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre as well as the Green Campaign Section)

denotes those activities for which places will be allocated by ballot」denotes those activities for which places will be allocated by ballot Training Courses and Recreation Activities

  1. To enrol in the activities to be held the following month, applicants must submit ballot e-application forms through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations within the specified period in a month. For example, for training courses and recreation activities to be held in May, ballot applications must be submitted from 1 to 7 April.
  2. Each applicant is required to submit only one ballot e-application form for enrolment in any of the training courses and recreation activities offered by the DLSOs, Water Sports Centres, Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre as well as the Green Campaign Section in a given month. Each ballot application form can be used to apply for up to 10 activities, of which only a maximum of three will be allocated to the applicant.
  3. All applications submitted will be checked by the SmartPLAY system. In the event of duplicate application submissions, submission of incomplete information, non-compliance with activity requirements or ineligibility, the applications in question will be rejected by the system. In case the activity currently applied for will be held at the date and time conflicting with another training course or recreation activity for which payment has been settled or confirmation has been made, such an application will be rejected as well.
  4. For those activities that require specific certificates or qualification proof, applicants must upload copies of the valid certificates or qualification proof onto the SmartPLAY system in their submission of e-application forms.  Such copies will be verified by the organisers before the applicants may enter the ballot.  Successful applicants must settle the payment and produce the originals of their certificates or qualification proof to their instructor for verification on the first day of the activity.
  5. Upon completion of the courses organised by the LCSD, qualification proof issued by the LCSD will be recorded in their SmartPLAY personal accounts. Participants are not required to upload the relevant certificates separately. However, they must upload those certificates issued by National Sports Associations (NSAs) onto the SmartPLAY system of their own accord.
  6. To participate in doubles or group activities such as social dance classes, hiking, an account user must, as the prime applicant, select the rest of the participating members who are qualified from a “friend list”, after filling in the order of preference for the activities. As far as the activities enrolled are concerned, all of the members must follow the same order of preference. If the members invited have not enrolled in other recreation and sports activities, they are not required to separately submit electronic applications. Members will receive a notification of invitation generated by the system. If the invitation is declined, the prime applicant must update the details of the members before the submission deadline, in a bid to meet the activity requirement on the number of participants. In the event of duplicate application submissions, submission of incomplete information, non-compliance with activity requirements or ineligibility on the part of the prime applicant or any of the participating members, the application in question will be rejected.
  7. The SmartPLAY system will record participants’ enrolment history. In entering a ballot, applicants will be classified into “new applicants” and “non-new applicants”. Based on the both groups’ orders of preference for the activities, the “new applicants” will first be allocated places by the system by means of ballot, and the remaining places, if any, will subsequently be allotted to the “non-new applicants”. The “new applicants” refer to those who have not admitted the same type, same activity sub-type and same level of a training course or recreation activity over the past 12 months. If an applicant has been admitted to a training course or recreation activity of the same activity type, same activity sub-type and same level in the past 12 months, regardless of whether he/she was no show or has attended the activity partially, he/she will be deemed as a “non-new applicant”. As regards doubles or group activities, if any member in a group is a “non-new applicant”, the entire group will be deemed a “non-new applicant”.
  8. Successful applicants will receive an electronic notification generated by the system of successful application and payment or confirmation. In addition, members of the public may also have access to the ballot results through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage, smart self-service stations or notice boards at organising DLSOs and leisure venues. Successful applicants must settle the fees by electronic means or complete the confirmation procedures within the payment or confirmation period in a month through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations. For details, please visit
  9. If there are places available after the payment or confirmation period in a month, the number of such places will be announced through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage and smart self-service stations on a specified date of the month. Such places will be open for enrolment on a first-come-first-served basis from 8:30 am the following day through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage and smart self-service stations.
  10. To participate in doubles or group activities during open enrolment period, an account user must, as the prime applicant, first select the rest of the participating members from the “Invitation for Joint Enrolment of first-come-first-served Activity” under “My Record” in SmartPLAY. Those being selected will then receive a notification of invitation generated by the system. The prime applicant can only proceed with the enrolment once he/she has the members’ consent.


  1. To enrol in the competitions to be held two months later, applicants must submit ballot e-application forms through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations within the specified period in a For example, for competitions to be held in June, ballot applications must be submitted from 8 to 14 April.
  2. Applicants enrolling in competitions must be themselves the registered SmartPLAY users. Applications made by groups, organisations or schools will not be accepted.
  3. Each applicant/team is required to submit only one ballot application form for enrolment in any of the competitions organised by DLSOs, Water Sports Centres or Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre in a given month. In the event of duplicate application submissions, submission of incomplete information, non-compliance with competition requirements or ineligibility on the part of applicants/teams, the applications in question will be rejected by the system. Each ballot application form can be used to apply for up to 10 competitions, of which a maximum of three will be allocated to the applicant.
  4. As far as the District Age Group Competitions are concerned, applicants who have enrolled in the capacity of local residents or local students, i.e. “Local Status”, must upload valid proof of “Local Status” onto the SmartPLAY personal profiles of their own accord by the closing date of enrolment.  Applicants will be eligible to enjoy priority in balloting only after such proof documents are checked and found to be in order by the organisers.
  5. In the event of duplicate application submissions, submission of incomplete information, non-compliance with competition requirements or ineligibility on the part of any of the participating members in their submission of applications, the application in question will be rejected by the system.
  6. To participate in team competitions (such as football, basketball and volleyball competitions, etc.), a prime applicant must first select the rest of the participating members who are qualified from a “friend list”, before filling in the order of preference for the competitions. As far as the competitions enrolled, all of the members must follow the same order of preference. If the members invited have not enrolled in other competitions, they are not required to separately submit electronic applications. Members will receive a notification of invitation generated by the system. If the invitation is declined, the prime applicant must update the details of the members before the submission deadline, in a bid to meet the activity requirement on the number of participants. In the event of failure to meet the activity requirement on the number of participants by the submission deadline, the teams in question will be disqualified.
  7. As far as the competitions held by the Water Sports Centres are concerned, applicants can enter a ballot only after valid certificates or qualification proof are uploaded in their submission of ballot e-application forms. In addition, they must produce the originals of valid qualification proof and logbooks for verification by the LCSD staff on the competition day as proof that the relevant certificates or qualifications and the required number of sailing hours are acquired before Failure to meet such requirements will disqualify the applicants from the competitions, and no refund for the fees paid will be made.
  8. Alterations to all the details provided by an applicant will not be allowed after the submission deadline of application forms.
  9. Successful applicants will receive an electronic notification generated by the system of successful application and payment or confirmation. In addition, members of the public may also have access to the ballot results through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage, smart self-service stations or notice boards at organsing DLSOs and leisure venues. Successful applicants must settle the fees by electronic means or complete the confirmation procedures within the specified payment or confirmation period through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations. For details, please visit
  10. If there are places available after the payment/confirmation period in a month, the number of such places will be announced through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage and smart self-service stations on a specified date of the month. Such places will be open for enrolment on a first-come-first-served basis from 8:30 am the following day through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage and smart self-service stations.
  11. To participate in doubles or group competition during the open enrolment status, an account user must, as the prime applicant, first select the rest of the participating members from the “Invitation for Joint Enrolment of first-come-first-served Activity” under “My Record” in SmartPLAY. Those being selected will then receive a notification of invitation generated by the system. The prime applicant can only proceed with the enrolment once he/she has the members’ consent.
denotes those activities for which places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis」denotes those activities for which places will be allocated on a
first-come-first-served basis
  1. Applicants may enrol in activities through My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations starting from 8:30 am on the first day of a specified enrolment period on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. In case the activity currently applied for will be held at the date and time conflicting with another training course or recreation activity for which payment has been settled or confirmation has been made, such an application will be rejected as well.

IV. Points to Note on Enrolment

(1) Applicants should be aware of their physical conditions, and consider whether it is suitable for them to participate in the recreation and sports programmes applied for. In case of doubt, please consult a doctor.
(2) Applicants under 18 must submit a declaration made by their parents/guardians who have themselves registered as SmartPLAY users before enrolment in the recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD via SmartPLAY.
(3) People of different age groups and levels of physical ability including persons with disabilities are welcome to enrol in all the programmes.
(4) All enrolment fees are listed in full rate.
(5) All enrolment fees exclude the cost of catering services. Participants of day, residential and evening camps as well as excursions need to pay separately for meal charges.
(6) An applicant’s age is calculated as at the date of the commencement of the programmes.
(7) Except for special circumstances, no application for refund, programme change or substitution will be entertained after enrolment.
(8) Programme information set out in this booklet is subject to change without prior notice, and the announcements by offices concerned organising the activity, My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations will prevail.
(9) Except for those training courses with different levels specified, others are elementary courses which mainly teach basic skills and knowledge of a It is recommended that, upon completion of the training courses, participants should continue to practise on their own for the fun of sports.
(10) Unless otherwise specified, all activities will be conducted in Cantonese.
(11) Please note the following before enrolling in the following activities:

Activities Points to Note
Recreation and Sports Programmes Designated for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) Participants must produce the  originals  of their PWD proof for verification by the LCSD staff/instructors on the first day of the activity. Failure to do so will render participants and their accompanying carers unable to take part in the activity. Recognised PWD proof includes:
  1. For programmes designated for specific types of disabilities (such as intellectual or physical disabilities): the “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau. Type(s) of disability listed in the proof must match that specified for the programmes.
  2. For programmes designated for all types of disabilities: the “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by the Labour and Welfare Bureau or the notification of successful application for disability allowance issued by the Social Welfare Department.

Each participant may be accompanied by one carer aged 16 or over when attending the activity. The arrangements for accompanying carers are as follows:
  1. For training courses and training schemes: accompanying carers may attend the courses with the PWDs who have enrolled on the training day. Accompanying Carer’s Cards will be distributed to them by the instructor at the beginning of every lesson for the purpose of identification.
  2. For other activities: accompanying carers must register as SmartPLAY users and enrol together with the PWDs on play-in activities to facilitate the arrangement of coaches and camp places. Their enrolment is free of charge.
Fitness (Multi-gym) Training Course
  1. Participants who have attained an attendance rate of 80% may register as users of LCSD Fitness Rooms and hire the fitness rooms under the management of the LCSD for self-practice.
  2. Participants should attend the class on time. Those who are late for 15 minutes or more will be considered absent for that session.
  3. Participants should wear proper sportswear and trainers.
Track Cycling Training Course

(Applicants must hold the required certificates or qualification proof for enrolment in the course.)
Course Entry Requirement
Level I Applicants must be aged 11 or above, at least 146 cm in height and able to manage two-wheeled bikes.
Level II Applicants must have completed and passed the Track Cycling Training Course (Level I) organised by the LCSD or the Track Cycling Training Course (Level I) organised by the Cycling Association of Hong Kong, China Ltd. (CAHK)/its affiliated clubs.
Level III Applicants must have completed and passed the Track Cycling Training Course (Level II) organised by the LCSD or the Track Cycling Training Course (Level II) organised by the CAHK/its affiliated clubs.
Note: If applicants enrolled on the Track Cycling Training Course (Level II/III) hold qualification proof issued by LCSD/ CAHK, they are required to produce the originals of such qualification proof of the training course. The LCSD staff may request participants to produce relevant qualification proof or transfer their personal particulars to the CAHK, if necessary, for verification of their qualification. Applicants who fail to meet the entry requirements will not be allowed to take part in the course and no refund of the fees paid will be made.

Participants are advised to wear casual tight-fitting sportswear which cover shoulder (e.g. cycling jerseys) and trainers. Basketball shoes or sandals are not allowed. They must also wear the helmets provided by the Hong Kong Velodrome.
BMX Training Course/Fun Day
  1. Participants should be able to manage two-wheeled bikes.
  2. Participants must wear casual tight-fitting sportswear and trainers, and are to be strongly discouraged from wearing loose clothing. Bike shoes, basketball shoes or sandals are not allowed. They must also wear the helmets and protective gear provided by the Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park (BMX Park).
  3. In the event of unsettled weather, the BMX Park reserves the right to cancel the activity for safety’s sake.
Parent-child (Aged 7 to 17)
Badminton Training Course/Fun Day
The course is for children aged 7 to 17 and parents aged 18 or above.
For training courses: Applicants must enrol in pairs, including a parent aged 18 or above accompanying his/her child aged 7 to 17.
For fun day: Applicants must enrol in a group of two to four people, including a parent aged 18 or above accompanying his/her child aged 7 to 17.
Parent-child (Aged 6 to 12)
Social Dance Training Course
  1. The course mainly covers the basic steps of cha-cha.
  2. The course is for children aged 6 to 12 and parents aged 18 or above.
  3. Applicants must enrol in pairs, including a parent aged 18 or above accompanying his/her child aged 6 to 12.
Social Dance Training Course/Excursion for Elderly/Day Camp for Elderly Applicants may enrol on the events individually or in pairs.
Briefing on Proper Ways to Use Fitness Equipment
  1. The briefing lasts three hours. It will cover both theory and practice, and will include a written assessment. Those who attend the briefing and pass the assessment may register as a user of LCSD Fitness Rooms and may hire the fitness rooms provided by the LCSD for self-practice.
  2. Participants should attend the briefing on time and complete check-in procedures. If they are over ten minutes late, their places will be allocated, on a first-come-first-served basis, to others waiting in the venue who must have registered as SmartPLAY users and enrolled on the briefing via SmartPLAY on the spot.
  3. Latecomers must re-enrol on the briefing on a first-come-first-served basis in case of lateness less than 30 minutes after the start time, provided that there are unfilled places.
  4. Due to the tight schedule of the briefing, latecomers will not be allowed to enter the venue after the commencement of the briefing for over 30 minutes.
  5. Participants should wear proper sportwear and trainers.
Horse-riding Fun Day
  1. Participants should weigh no more than 70kg.
  2. Participants should not wear any accessories, for example earrings, rings and necklaces, during horse-riding.
  3. Participants should wear shirts with sleeves, comfortable pants, leather shoes or boots with heels, and the helmets provided by riding schools.
  4. Specific offices organising the activity will provide transportation between the assemble point and the riding school. For details, please contact the organiser.
  5. In the event of unsettled weather, riding schools reserve the right to cancel the activity for safety’s sake.
Fitness (Multi-gym) Training
Course/Hydro Fitness Training Course/Aerobic Dance Training Course/Fitness Exercise Training Course/QualiWalk Training Course/Briefing on Proper Ways to Use Fitness Equipment/Long Distance Running Training Course/Stress Management and Physical Relaxation Training Course/Body-Mind Stretch Training Course
The electronic form “Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) & YOU” must be completed on enrolment.If an applicant answers “yes” to one or more questions therein, it indicates that he/she may be physically unfit to take part in the activity. For safety’s sake, he/she should consult a doctor in advance, while a declaration must be made on submission of the electronic form as proof that he/she is physically fit to take part in such activity upon examination by the doctor.
Progressive Swimming Scheme
  Course Standard of Test/Entry Requirement for Participation
Level II Front Crawl ♦ Swim 20 metres front crawl (Swim 10 metres front crawl for children courses).
Breast Stroke ♦Swim 20 metres breast stroke (Swim 10 metres breast stroke for children courses).
Training Course for Elderly ♦Swim 20 metres front crawl/breast stroke.
Level III Front Crawl ♦Swim 50 metres front crawl.
Breast Stroke ♦Swim 50 metres breast stroke.
Training Course for Elderly ♦Swim 50 metres front crawl/breast stroke.
Back Stroke/Butterfly Stroke   ♦Swim 50 metres front crawl/breast stroke.
  1. Participants of Level II/III of the Progressive Swimming Scheme are required to pass the pre-course assessment (swimming test). Holders of valid course-end assessment record/swimming test certificate will be exempted from the requirement to take the swimming test. That said, they are still required to attend the first lesson.
  2. Those who are not exempted are required to pass such a test in the first lesson before being allowed to participate in the course. For those who have failed in the swimming test, the fees paid, after deducting the entrance fees, will be refunded to them. Participants absent from the swimming test will be regarded as having withdrawn from the course, and the fees paid will not be refunded at all.
Life Saving Training Course

(Applicants must hold the required certificates or qualification proof for enrolment in the course.)
Course Standard of Test/ Entry Requirement for Participation
Life Saving Training Course (Bronze Medallion)/Integrated Certificates Course on Pool Life Saving Training/Integrated Certificates Course on Pool and Beach Life Saving Training ♦Swim 200 metres of any stroke (except back stroke) within 5 minutes and tread water for 3 minutes.
Participants are required to pass the swimming test in the first lesson before being allowed to participate in the course.For those who have failed in the swimming test, the fees paid, after deducting the entrance fees, will be refunded to them. Participants absent from the swimming test will be regarded as having withdrawn from the course, and the fees paid will not be refunded at all.
Course Standard of Test/ Entry Requirement for Participation
Life Saving Training Course (Award of Merit) ♦Holder of valid Bronze Medallion
Go Training Course
Course Entry Requirement
Go Training Course (Level II) ♦Holder of a valid logbook of Go Training Course (Level I), or holder of a Go 28 kyu or 27 kyu certificate, or having a grasp of basic rules and skills including capturing
Go Training Course (Level III) ♦Holder of a valid logbook of Go Training Course (Level II), or holder of a Go 26 kyu, 25 kyu or 24 kyu certificate, or having a grasp of such basic concepts as life and death, capturing race and fencing off territory
Fencing Training Course

(Applicants must hold the required certificates or qualification proof for enrolment in the course.)
Course Entry Requirement
Fencing Training Course (Level II) ♦Holder of valid attendance record of Fencing Training Course (Level I) or
♦Holder of valid record recognised by the Fencing Association of Hong Kong, China as an equivalence of attendance record of Fencing Training Course (Level I)
Canoeing / Sailing / Windsurfing Training Course (Note 1) (Note 2)

(Applicants must hold the required certificates or qualification proof for enrolment in the course.)
Course Entry Requirement
Kayak 1 Star Award Training Course or Elementary Kayak Training Course/Introduction to Sailing Training Course (Level 1)/ Elementary Windsurfing Training Course ♦Being able to swim with clothes for at least 50 metres / proficient in swimming and sign a declaration.
Kayak 2 Star Award Training Course ♦Holder of Hong Kong China Canoe Union Kayak 1 Star Award / Junior Kayak Sea Horse Award; or LCSD Kayak 1 Star Award / Junior Kayak Sea Horse Award qualification proof and sign a declaration.
Kayak 3 Star Award Training Course ♦Holder of Hong Kong China Canoe Union Kayak 2 Star Award / Junior Kayak Sea Lion Award; or LCSD Kayak 2 Star Award / Junior Kayak Sea Lion Award qualification proof and sign a declaration.
Sailing Basic Skills Training Course
(Level 2)
♦Holder of Sailing Federation of Hong Kong, China Introduction to Sailing (Level 1) Certificate / Junior Sail 3: Skipper Certificate; or LCSD Introduction to Sailing Training Course 100% Attendance Record / Junior Sail 3: Skipper qualification proof and sign a declaration.

Note 1: To enrol in water sports activities organised by Water Sports Centres, one must refer to the following webpages:

Notes to Enrolment (Water Sports Centres)

Users’ Guide (Water Sports Centres)

Entry Requirement for Water Sports Activities

Note 2: “On-the-spot” enrolment arrangements (only applicable to activities organised by Water Sports Centres)
If enrolled participants fail to attend an activity or are absent or late for 30 minutes or more on the first day of the activity, their places will be filled by standby applicants on the spot on a first-come-first-served basis.


(i) For activities lasting two days or more, participants who will be absent or late for 30 minutes or more on the first day of the activity must submit written applications for absence or lateness to the centres at least two working days prior to the commencement of the programme. The on-the-spot enrolment arrangements will then not be applicable to such circumstances.
(ii) Under the circumstances in item (i), the participants may submit such applications to a given centre only once for a period of 90 days.
(iii) Venue managers/duty officers in-charge may cancel or suspend the on-the-spot enrolment arrangements at any time on operational grounds or in light of the special circumstances nearby.
(iv) In the event that no standby applicants are to fill vacant places, if any, on the spot, the centres may at discretion permit those who are late for 30 minutes or more to take part in the remaining sessions of activities, while ensuring disruption to the activities in question is kept to a minimum.

Dates of events are subject to change. Please refer to My SmartPLAY App, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations for the latest updates.
Canoe Polo Elementary Training Course
  1. Standard of Test / Qualification for Participation: Swim with light clothing for 50 metres.
  2. Participants must pass the swimming test held in the first lesson before being allowed to participate in the course. Those who have failed in the swimming test will be refunded, after deducting the entrance fees. Participants absent from the swimming test will be regarded as having withdrawn from the test, and the fees paid will not be refunded at all.
American Pool Training Course
Course Entry Requirement
American Pool Training Course (Level II) ♦Persons who have completed the training course (Level I) or acquired basic technique of American Pool
Contract Bridge Workshop
Course Entry Requirement
Contract Bridge Workshop (Level II) ♦Persons who have completed the workshop (Level I) or acquired basic technique of Contract Bridge
Hiking Scheme
  1. Suitable for persons aged 6 or above, in good health and interested in hiking. Children aged below 12 must be accompanied by a parent or an adult.
  2. A maximum of 4 persons can enrol together.
QualiWalk Training Course Suitable for persons aged 6 or above. Children aged below 12 must be accompanied by a parent or an adult.
Golf Training Course (Level III - District) The third lesson will be conducted at Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre. Please contact DLSOs organising the activity for enquires regarding its date and time.
Golf Training Course
Course Entry Requirement
Golf Training Course (Level II) ♦Persons who have participated level I or equivalent.
Golf Training Course (Level III) ♦Persons who have participated level I and II or equivalent.
Golf Training Course (Long Game Improver) ♦Persons who have basic skills in playing long irons and woods.
Golf Training Course (Short Game Improver) ♦Persons who have basic skills in chipping, putting and bunker shots.
Golf Training Course (Uneven Lies Technique) ♦Persons who are familiar with playing sets of golf clubs.
Community Garden Programme
  1. Applicants may bring no more than four guests (the Subsidiary Members) to the planting activities under the Community Garden Programme, but are required to submit the details of such Subsidiary Members via the SmartPLAY system when enrolling in the activities in question. Applicants may enrol in the activities of the Programme as Subsidiary Members with another applicant in the same ballot period. Any amendment to the list of Subsidiary Members will not be accepted once confirmed, but their withdrawal from the Programme is allowed, yet the vacancies so arising must not be filled by any other persons.
  2. The Subsidiary Members must also register as SmartPLAY users, and may only enrol in the activities with no more than one applicant in the same ballot period. Enrolling in the Programme as Subsidiary Members will have no bearing on the number of the LCSD’s recreation and sports programmes they are allowed to enrol by ballot.
  3. No fees will be charged to the Subsidiary Members.
  4. Applicants/applicants aged under 18 and their parents/guardians will be deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the Points to Note and Regulations of Community Garden Programme once the enrolment form is submitted.(
Horticulture Talks Suitable for persons aged 16 or above.
Horticulture Courses

(Applicants must hold the required certificates or qualification proof for enrolment in the course.)
Course Entry Requirement
Elementary Horticulture Course ♦Suitable for persons aged 16 or above.
Intermediate Horticulture Course
(Learning plant maintenance and propagation skills)
♦Holders of LCSD’s Elementary Horticulture Course Attendance Certificate.
Advanced Horticulture Course
(Learning at depth about different theme plants)
♦Holders of LCSD’s Intermediate Horticulture Course Attendance Certificate.
(12) Unless otherwise notified, the following arrangements will be put in place by the LCSD under inclement weather conditions:
I. Strong monsoon signal or thunderstorm warnings
  • In case the above signal or warning is in force at 7:00 am on the activity day, all sea touring programmes held in Water Sports Centres will be cancelled (including the scheduled trip in the training course).
  • Other activities will be held as scheduled, but organisers may decide to cancel the activities in light of changes in weather for safety’s sake.
II. Tropical cyclone warning signal No. 1
  • In case the above signal is in force at 7:00 am on the activity day, all sea touring programmes and tent camping held in Water Sports Centres will be cancelled (including the scheduled trip in the training course).
  • Other activities will be held as scheduled, but organisers may decide to cancel the activities in light of changes in weather for safety’s sake.
III. Amber rainstorm warning signal
  • All activities will be held as scheduled, but organisers may decide to cancel the activities in light of changes in weather for safety’s sake.
  • In case the above signal is issued two hours before an activity commences, BMX Training Course/Fun Day held at the Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park will be cancelled.
IV. Red rainstorm warning signal
  • If the above signal is in force at 7:00 am on the activity day, all morning/whole-day outdoor programmes will be cancelled.
    (All activities at Water Sports Centres will be held as scheduled, except for sea touring and tent camping)
  • If the above signal is in force at 12:00 noon on the activity day, all afternoon outdoor programmes will be cancelled.
Activities affected : tent camping, excursion/ hiking, sea touring programmes and orienteering, etc.
  • If the above signal is issued two hours before an activity commences, all outdoor programmes, except programmes held at swimming pools, will be cancelled (including activities held at Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre and Wo Yi Hop Road Golf Driving Range).
Activities affected : tennis, distance running, fitness walking, Tai Chi, roller skating, lawn bowling, golf, sports climbing, rope course, archery, horse-riding and BMX Training Course/Fun Day held at the Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park, etc.
  • If the red rainstorm warning signal is cancelled two hours before an activity commences, where venue conditions permit, the above activities will be held as scheduled, except those specified. However, participants should consider whether to attend the activity in light of the actual weather and traffic conditions.
V. Tropical cyclone warning signal No. 3
  • If the above signal is in force at 7:00 am on the activity day, the morning/whole-day outdoor pursuit programmes will be cancelled.
Activities affected : tent camping, day camping, excursion/hiking and programmes held at Water Sports Centres, etc.
  • If the above signal is in force at 12:00 noon on the activity day, the afternoon outdoor pursuit programmes will be cancelled.
Activities affected : residential camping, evening camping, etc.
  • If the above signal is issued two hours before an activity commences, activities held at Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre and Wo Yi Hop Road Golf Driving Range and the BMX training courses/fun day events held at the Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park will be cancelled.
  • If the above signal is cancelled two hours before an activity commences, the above activities will be held as scheduled, except those specified. Participants should consider whether to attend the activity in light of the actual weather and traffic conditions. For enquiries, participants may contact the relevant DLSOs.
  • If the above signal is issued three hours before an activity commences, all recreation and sports programmes designated for persons with disabilities will be cancelled.
VI. Black rainstorm warning signal
  • If the above announcement is issued when the activities are proceeding, all outdoor activities will be cancelled while all indoor activities will proceed as scheduled.
  • If the above announcement is issued two hours before the start of the activities, the activities will be cancelled.
  • If the black rainstorm warning signal is cancelled two hours before an activity commences, all activities will be held as scheduled, where the circumstances of the venue permit. Participants should consider whether to attend the activity in light of the actual weather and traffic conditions.
VII. Pre-No.8 special announcement (an advance notice to the public issued by the Hong Kong Observatory when the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is expected within two hours)
  • If the above announcement is issued when the activities are proceeding, the activities will proceed as scheduled.
  • If the above announcement is issued before the start of the activities, the activities will be cancelled.
Tropical cyclone warning signal No.8 or above or “extreme conditions”
  • - If the above signal or “extreme conditions” is issued, all activities will be cancelled.
  • - If the tropical cyclone warning signal No.8 or “extreme conditions” is cancelled two hours before an activity commences, all activities will be held as scheduled, where the circumstances of the venue permit. Participants should consider whether to attend the activity in the light of the actual weather and traffic conditions.
For the situations mentioned in items IV to VII, namely the announcement of red rainstorm warning signal, tropical cyclone warning signal No. 3 or above, black rainstorm warning signal or “extreme conditions”, whether all recreation and sports programmes designated for persons with disabilities and those organised by the Islands District Leisure Services Office will be held as scheduled depends on whether the signal(s) is issued/cancelled by the Hong Kong Observatory three hours prior to the scheduled times of these activities.
VIII. “High” health risk category (Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) of 7)
  • Activities will be held as scheduled. The Environmental Protection Department advises those with existing heart or respiratory illnesses (such as coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, asthma and chronic obstructive airways diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), children and the elderly to reduce outdoor physical exertion, and to reduce the time of staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. Participants with existing heart or respiratory illnesses should also seek advice from a doctor before participating in sports activities and take more breaks during physical activities. As the effects of air pollution on individuals’ health may vary, participants should seek advice from a doctor if they are in doubt or feel uncomfortable.
“Very High” health risk category (Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) of 8-10)
  • Activities will be held as scheduled. The Environmental Protection Department advises those with existing heart or respiratory illnesses (such as coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, asthma and chronic obstructive airways diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), children and the elderly to reduce to the minimum outdoor physical exertion, and to reduce to the minimum the time of staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. The general public is advised to reduce outdoor physical exertion, and to reduce the time of staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. As the effects of air pollution on individuals’ health may vary, participants should seek advice from a doctor if they are in doubt or feel uncomfortable.
“Serious” health risk category (Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Exceeding 10)
  • Activities will be held as scheduled. The Environmental Protection Department advises those with existing heart or respiratory illnesses (such as coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, asthma and chronic obstructive airways diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), children and the elderly to avoid outdoor physical exertion, and to avoid staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. The general public is advised to reduce to the minimum outdoor physical exertion, and to reduce to the minimum the time of staying outdoors, especially in areas with heavy traffic. As the effects of air pollution on individuals’ health may vary, participants should seek advice from a doctor if they are in doubt or feel uncomfortable.
IX. Cold Weather Warning
  • Activities will be held as scheduled. Participants are advised to wear warm clothing during outdoor activities to avoid adverse health conditions due to the cold weather. Avoid prolonged exposure to wintry winds.
Very Hot Weather Warning
  • Activities will be held as scheduled. Participants are advised to drink plenty of water to rehydrate themselves and avoid over exertion. If unwell, they should take a rest in shaded areas as soon as possible. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and prevent sunburn from ultraviolet radiation. Participants should wear light-coloured, thin, loose-fitting and breathable clothing that can wick moisture and sweat effectively. They should also wear suitable hats and UV-blocking sunglasses, use sunscreen lotion of SPF 15 or above and re-apply the lotion frequently.
Note: Please refer to the notes to the activities of respective DLSOs.
If a programme has to be cancelled due to events such as inclement weather or venue maintenance, our staff will notify the participants and arrange for compensatory session(s) or refund as soon as possible. If the programme cannot be re-scheduled or compensatory session(s) cannot be arranged, our staff will make a refund arrangement for the programme via the system. For details, please contact the relevant DLSOs/venues.



V. Notes to Participants

(1) Participants must not change class on their own or transfer the right of participation to others.
(2) Participants must bring along the originals of their identity documents and the screenshot of the SmartPLAY system indicating enrolment in the programmes/the confirmation notice/the receipt for verification by instructors when attending the course. Hong Kong residents must produce their HKID Cards, while children aged below 11 may produce their Hong Kong Birth Certificate/Document of Identity for Visa Purposes/HKSAR Re-entry Permit/ Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao. Children aged 14 or below may produce a copy of their identity documents. The original of a valid photograph-bearing student handbook/card must be produced if their identity documents do not bear a photograph. Non-Hong Kong residents must produce their valid travel documents such as passports or Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao.
(3) Participants must observe the conditions of use for the venues. Instructors and venue staff can terminate the participation of individuals who behave in an undisciplined manner or whose behaviour may disturb or annoy other participants. A refund of the fees paid will not be made.
(4) Participants should be aware of their health condition, and avoid taking the class when feeling unwell or having signs of infectious diseases like fever, respiratory tract symptoms (e.g. cough, running nose, sore throat), conjunctivitis, skin rashes and skin damage.
(5) To ensure safety, instructors can decline the participation of individuals who are deemed medically unfit or having signs of infectious diseases like fever, respiratory tract symptoms (e.g. cough, running nose, sore throat), conjunctivitis, skin rashes and skin damage.
(6) If participants suspect that they are subjected to sexual harassment, they should inform the officer-in-charge of the activity organised by the LCSD/venue staff at once, and may call 2511 8211 to seek advice direct from the Equal Opportunities Commission. For the definition and conduct of sexual harassment, please visit the webpage of the Equal Opportunities Commission at
(7) No pets will be allowed to be brought to the activity.
(8) Participants may complete the procedures for withdrawal from a programme via My SmartPLAY app, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations between the period of payment/confirmation and 7 days before the first lesson. Those wishing to withdraw from a programme within seven days before the first session must submit additional documents for consideration by the officer-in-charge of the activity. Only upon approval may they proceed with the procedures for withdrawal. However, such approval does not imply there will be a refund of programme fees to the participants.
(9) In the event of an activity being cancelled due to insufficient enrolment, the LCSD will notify the participants of this seven days before the activity date.



VI. Counter Service Hours and Payment Hours of District Offices Organising Activities:

(1) DLSOs

Day Counter Service Hours Payment Hours for Activities
Monday to Friday
(except public holidays)
8:30 am to 6:15 pm 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

(2) Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre

Day Counter Service Hours Payment Hours for Activities
Monday to Sunday
(Except the first and second days of the Lunar New Year)
7:45 am to 9:30 pm 8:30 am to 9:30 pm

(3) Zoological & Horticultural Education Unit

Day Office Hours Enquiry Tel. No.
Monday to Friday
(except public holidays)
9:00 am to 6:00 pm 2601 8702 / 2723 6053


VII. Counter Service Hours and Payment Hours of Recreation and Sports Venues (including sports centres/tennis courts):

Day Counter Service Hours Payment Hours for the First Day of Open Enrolment on a First-come first-served basis upon Ballot
Monday to Sunday
(Except the first and second days of the Lunar New Year)
7:00 am to 10:00 pm 8:30 am to 10:00 pm


VIII. Service Hours and Payment Hours of Smart Self-service Stations:

Day Service Hours Payment Hours for the First Day of Open Enrolment on a First-come first-served basis upon Ballot
Monday to Sunday
(Except the first and second days of the Lunar New Year)
7:00 am to 11:00 pm 8:30 am to 11:00 pm


IX. Payment Hours of Holiday Camps and Water Sports Centres

Holiday Camps

  • Members of the public may enrol in recreation and sports programmes and book leisure facilities from 8:30am to 4:00pm on Monday to Friday and from 8:30am to 11:00am on Saturday, except for Sunday and public holidays.
Holiday Camp Enquiry Tel. No.
Lady MacLehose Holiday Village 2792 6430
2792 6417
Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre 2417 1107
2415 6812
Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre 2792 3828
2792 0046
Lei Yue Mun Park 2568 7455
2568 7858

Water Sports Centres

  • Members of the public may enrol in recreation and sports programmes and book leisure facilities from 8:30am to 4:30pm, except for closed days.
Water Sports Centre Closed Day Enquiry Tel. No.
Chong Hing Water Sports Centre Thursday 2792 6810
Tai Mei Tuk Water Sports Centre Wednesday 2665 3591
The Jockey Club Wong Shek Water Sports Centre Tuesday 2328 2311
St. Stephen’s Beach Water Sports Centre Tuesday 2813 5407
Stanley Main Beach Water Sports Centre Wednesday 2813 9117


X. Notes:

(1) For enquiries about the course content of or enrolment arrangement for recreation and sports activities, please contact DLSOs/the programme units organising the activities.
(2) For programme details, members of the public may call the LCSD Hotline on 2414 5555 (This hotline is handled by "1823") or visit My SmartPLAY app, the SmartPLAY webpage or smart self-service stations at DLSOs or leisure venues.  For enquiries about the system, please call the SmartPLAY Hotline on 3954 5150.



(Revised as at Feb 2025)